Technology’s Role in Keeping Workers Safe


There are many potential sources of harm for construction workers, including falls, improper use of equipment, and even structural failures. This emphasizes the importance of top-level management fostering a culture that places importance on safety measures at all times. As companies seek innovative ways to improve construction site safety, virtual reality, and wearable gadgets offer unprecedented opportunities to gather and act on safety data. Here are four ways that integrating BossTek technology across the board can reduce the likelihood of catastrophic worksite events.

Use mobile applications to improve safety compliance

Companies in the construction industry often go to great lengths to institute safety procedures and teach employees about safety best practices, but it can be difficult to assess participation and compliance without digital systems in place. Mobile apps can simplify the centralization of safety procedures, including scheduling, alerting, and reporting. As a result, supervisors can easily see who has received what training and whether or not their employees comply with federal and state laws. Safety compliance data collection provides an enhanced understanding of operational processes. Construction companies can eliminate information silos by using mobile apps that make it simple to analyze participation and the efficacy of safety actions across business divisions.

Use predictive data analytics to prevent safety gaps

The implementation of any cutting-edge tool, such as those featured on, on a construction site can lead to massive amounts of data from which significant insights can be drawn. Recent studies have demonstrated that, with the right application of predictive analytics, occupational accidents can be predicted with near-perfect accuracy. As more construction equipment connects to the Internet of Things, software processing of the generated data must keep up. With the help of predictive analysis, site managers can anticipate potential mechanical breakdown sites. This significantly lessens the possibility of employees getting hurt because of poorly maintained or broken machinery.

Use localization technology to respond rapidly to disasters.

Although technology has decreased the chance of workplace accidents, construction companies still need to be ready to respond to any major incident that does happen. In other cases, the implementation of digital solutions across different divisions might exacerbate the development of existing information silos. Therefore, it’s crucial that all of these technologies work together. Once the devices are properly linked, the shared data can provide managers with a more comprehensive picture of the status and location of all the essential equipment, placing them in the best possible position to detect and respond to any unfavorable occurrences on the premises.

Use wearable technology to augment physical labor

According to a recent study by the United States Chamber of Commerce, wearable technology is becoming more popular in the construction industry. Wearable technology in construction can take many forms, from virtual reality and augmented reality headsets to exoskeletons that help workers with heavy physical workloads by supporting their muscles and skeletons. Overexertion is a major cause of injury and exhaustion on many construction sites due to the physically demanding nature of the work. In addition to measuring fatigue levels and detecting vulnerable workers before a disruptive event is recorded, wearable devices can physically strengthen workers with exoskeletons.

Ultimately, integrating new technologies with current infrastructure gives business leaders the ability to set up the OSHA-recommended framework for preventative safety while also improving data collection to find potential safety gaps early, reducing human error, and reducing the number of catastrophic safety events on-site.

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